Mother-Daughter Workshop at CeTI’s RoboLab #WomenInScience
On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11, 2024, the Women@DDc Network has organized an exciting mother-daughter workshop at the RoboLab CeTI.
According to the motto “From school into the lab! – Robotics,” all schoolgirls aged 8-14 are invited to visit the RoboLab of the CeTI at TU Dresden together with their mother, aunt or grandmother and immerse themselves in the exciting world of robotics. The RoboLab has various demonstrators that give participants an impressive insight into the research field of robotics.
Workshop language: German.
This workshop offer is free and open to all female students aged 8-14 with their mother, aunt or grandmother. Places are limited. Registration is required by email at Registration deadline: January 15, 2024.
This workshop is organized by the Women@DDc Network in close cooperation with the excellence cluster “Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop“ (CeTI) and the HTW Dresden.